What Is Pure Water
Pure Water, is water that has been treated to remove any dissolved solids particles from the water. Tap water is full of these contaminates, which stop you being able to wash with water alone without leaving, marks, spots and smears etc. Believe it or not, but water from the tap these days in not “Pure Water”, it is full of impurities. The level of these impurities vary from region to region. Interestingly enough, bottled drinking water often has even more dissolved solids than tap water. We process tap water, causing a de-ionisation process, which removes the dissolved solids. The result is purified water which gives us two important benefits, with regard to cleaning your windows:
The water is now much better at removing dirt from your windows
The water has no contaminates to leave any residue on your windows afterwards.
Water Fed Pole / Pure Water Window Cleaning
When cleaning your windows, we use a specially designed ‘brush head’. This is no normal brush head, but has been specifically designed and made for the purpose of cleaning glass with pure water. This brush head goes on the end of a long pole. Then we must pump up pure water to the brush head, and through the jets into the brush. Using this pure water and this special brush head, we can remove the dirt from your windows, frames and sills. The fibres in these brushes have a number of qualities, but those most important to you are:
They do not hold dirt in the brush fibres themselves, which aid the window cleaning process.
The brush fibres are kind to glass, and don’t mark your windows.
After the dirt has been removed, we will rinse off the windows with more of this treated water. This leaves them very clean, and since there is no residue from detergent, cleaning product, contaminates in the water or anything else, your windows actually stay clean longer! They stay cleaner, because there is nothing for the dirt to stick to – no residues, not even a micro fine layer since everything has been cleaned off using pure water and rinsed again just to make sure it’s clean, with pure de-ionised water.